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    Monday, October 26, 2009

    Mind Hole Balls

    Via the Nefariously Magnificent Nicopolitan:

    Nicopolitan: it's gonna blow your mindhole
    Nicopolitan: well, maybe not, but still neat

    redFred: Hehe
    redFred: I will prepare my mindhole
    redFred: Pack it all stuffed with all kinds of cotton balls
    redFred: Don't wanna lose too much

    Nicopolitan: i hear you can get a great deal on mindhole cottonballs at Costco
    redFred: Hmm, but it's gonna be a bitch to carry that huge box home
    redFred: I'd rather just get the individual packs at Rite Aid

    Nicopolitan: individually wrapped mindhole balls
    Nicopolitan: like, the ones you get on the airplane

    redFred: Sealed for your protection
    Nicopolitan: do not open if safety seal has been broken
    redFred: Apply to mindhole only with the advice of a trained professional
    Nicopolitan: consult a physician to ask if mindholeballs are right for you
    redFred: Stop using mindholeballs immediately if you see adverse symptoms such as bleeding, leakage, or grey matter absorption
    Nicopolitan: ok, ok ok ok, now we need a slogan
    redFred: Mind Hole Balls: A Better Life through Balls ?
    Nicopolitan: wow. okay, i just snotted on my keyboard
    redFred: Hahaha
    Nicopolitan: there is no way i'm not Photoshopping a logo for this

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    We need to go into business together in the pharmaceutical field.